Greetings and Salutations from the South! Notice that the word 'South' is capitalized. It is a small indication of reverence for my region, my people and a vanishing way or life. It is not necessarily a reverence for my state, North Carolina, which is rapidly becoming the most liberal state south of the Mason-Dixon line. I am amazed at a state that could elect Senator Jesse Helms term after term and then turn around and give illegal aliens a drivers license. But that is another subject which will be addressed at a later time.
Kudzu is that wonderful Chinese import vine which threatened, at one time, to take over the entire Southland. Unfortunately, among other things, it is representative of the South. It grows along interstates, beside pastures, crawls up roadsigns to the point where the information on the sign, and indeed, the sign, post and all, is obliterated by the creeping vine and and the hand sized leaves.
It crawls up power poles, along power lines, covers billboards, suffocates trees and generally spreads to take over everything it possibly can. It is reported to incrementally grow up to two feet or more in a single day and is of no use for much of anything other than itself. Kinda reminds me of liberalism. But over and above that, Kudzu represents, for me the essence of the South. In most cases, farmers were introduced to the intrusive plant by local extension agents as being the cure all for building up their poor red soil.
My dad used to tell me about how the local agriculture extension agent sold the bad bill of goods to my grandpa. "Plant it, it'll build up your soil and prevent erosion. When you plow it under, it'll rot and compost and enrich the soil and your pasture land and garden will grow anything you plant."
Yeah. Sure. Grandpa believed him and planted it around the farm. It did nothing the man told him other than take over the place. My daddy spent the next 55 years trying to get rid of it. Another shining example of ' I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.'
So, there you go. That's why I chose the name for this blog. I'll be giving you some perspectives from my point of view. I'm not necessarily the classic stereotype of southern 'baccer chawin' redneck. But you'll find out more information about me, my eclectic views and interests, my rearing in the South and my views on liberalism, the media and the sad state of politics in general as we go along.
Grandpa was deceived by the government, I've been deceived and ripped off by the government and I've been lied to for far too long by that sacrosanct branch of government...the liberal media. I intend to take no prisoners.
It ought to be good for a few idle moments. It might possibly help offset some of the pap you're fed from The New York Times, Charlie Gibson or the gang at M(ostly)S(ocialists)NBC.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
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